List: Default
is applied as left padding.
By default is set to 0
. When so, a “negative” padding is set using list-style-position: outside
This sets the bullets outside the main flow of text. Even if not common on web design, this is considered the correct solution. For typographers, this is the way bulleted lists was always intended to be: read this article for more info on hanging punctuation.
Be warned: this also means you will need to be sure that overflow is possible and whitespace is present.
For unordered lists, square list-style-type is preferred (opinionated);
Inline lists
Other than using inline-list()
mixin, you can use the helper class .list--inline
to quickly delete the bullets/numbers and set the <li>
elements to inline-block
Config example
<div class="pl">
<h4>Ordered list</h4>
<li>Item a</li>
<li>Item b</li>
<li>Item c</li>
<h4>Unordered list</h4>
- Filesystem Path: src/components/html/list/_list.scss
- Size: 533 Bytes
ol, ul { padding-left: $list-padding; @if $list-padding == 0 { list-style-position: outside; } li { margin-bottom: $list-separator } ol, ul { @if $list-padding == 0 { // Ensure that child lists get a paddding even if we set them to 0 padding-left: 1em; } @else { padding-left: $list-padding; } li { margin-bottom: $list-separator / 2; } } } ul { list-style-type: square; } dt { font-weight: bold(); margin: 0; } dd { margin: 0 0 $spacer $spacer; } .list--inline { @include inline-list(); }