Color Palette
Hueso’s default color palettes are based on This tool auto-generates up to 13 colors from a single hex value, and then divides each color on 10 different shades (see example for #C7FFC4).
Every single palette lives on a separate .scss file under base/palettes
and is @imported on _config.scss
for later use on the $colors
Of course, you can choose any file hierarchy, any palette generator, etc. You might need to adapt _config.scss
values because we follow Palx nomenclature, which ranges every color from 0 to 10 (i.e, $blue0
to $blue10
). You can find some similar palette generators on References
The $colors
map can store as many sub-maps as needed, but the following are mandatory and will trigger errors if not present:
- base for primary, secondary and separator colors
- text for typography colors
- state for indicating states like: muted, error, warning, success
Current values